Tricia Jones-Parkin Portrait

Tricia Jones-Parkin

Program Manager

Ms. Jones-Parkin has over 25 years of professional experience working with and in behalf of people with disabilities. Currently she is the principal investigator and trainer of Customized Employment Training and Technical Assistance at the Center for Employment and Inclusion at Utah State University. Ms. Jones-Parkin is also the principal investigator for Utah’s School to Work Interagency Transition Initiative, which is funded through the Administration for Community Living-Projects of National Significance Partnership for Employment Systems Change grant. Tricia was also recently elected to serve on the National Board of APSE as the Regional Delegate representing Utah and other southwest/rocky mountain states. Ms. Jones-Parkin has been focused on building and managing competitive integrated employment programs since 2006. She was the Employment First Program administrator for Division of Services for People with Disabilities since 2011and was instrumental in Utah’s passage of the Employment First Priority legislation. Tricia was selected as an Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program Ambassador by ODEP in 2014 and was the state lead for Utah’s partnership with ODEP/EFSLMP. Tricia was the recipient of the National Association of Persons Supporting Employment First (APSE) Dave Hammis Award. Tricia actively participates in several committees and task forces related to improving employment outcomes for Utahans with disabilities.